Leasing a vending machine is the most convenient option for the rest of businesses. Lease type, cost and duration are flexible. We offer various leasing programs depending on your business needs.
Operating Lease
If you are looking for vending solutions for office or restoration areas, you need a modern, reliable coffee machine at your employees and visitors’ disposal, and you want us to guarantee a proper work of leased machines, then operating leasing is the best option for you.
Operation lease means renting vending machines at a long date with a full vending service included. Phoenix One Vending stays the owner of the equipment during the period of lease and keeps ownership after a lease expires. In the terms of operating lease Phoenix One Vending provides coffee vending machines and takes care of their right work performance at your location. The amount of monthly consumption for coffee machine ingredients and payments for snack machines depend on the number and models of machines.
The advantages of operating lease are obvious:
> No need to invest in expensive equipment
> No lease payments required, you pay a monthly consumption for ingredients only
> Phoenix One Vending stays responsible for restocking and maintaining vending machines
> Maintenance is provided free of charge since the equipment is under Phoenix One Vending ownership
Lease with Further Purchase
It is very profitable to have vending machines at your own. Vending equipment at your possession opens a possibility to operate independently and significantly increase profit. Moreover purchasing the equipment is creating a capital asset. However, not everybody can afford buying costly machines upright. For a cash strapped startups it is even unreasonable.
Instead of giving out a pretty sum from your pocket or going through the hassle of applying for a bank loan you can take possession of equipment through a lease. You will obtain the same vending machines without breaking the bank to finance it, spreading the costs over time and with minimal financial risk.
Our leasing programs are flexible and affordable for anyone. We offer several purchase leasing options. With a personal approach for all clients we will find the best equipment solution customized for your specific requirements. Lease duration, monthly rates, product supplying are subjects to discuss.
Moreover we give an extended support to startups to help them to establish a profitable vending route. Even there is an option to operate under Phoenix One Vending name during the period of lease and after.
The significant benefit of leasing in comparison to upright purchase is that the vending machines are covered with Phoenix One vending warranty as Phoenix One Vending stays a legal owner of vending machines during the period of a leasing agreement.
Do you need more information? Contact us today and we will consult about our leasing programs and offer you a financial plan for your business needs.
> No deficit in budget
> You take ownership of equipment with the last payment
> You obtain equipment with minimum financial risks
> Equipment stays under Phoenix One Vending warranty during the period of lease
> Phoenix One Vending gives you an extended support regarding operation
> You can operate under Phoenix One Vending name or independently
Our vending machines are available for a short-term hire. We rent the equipment for a trial period for vending operators and provide catering service for events.
Rent for a trial period is a convenient option for operators who are not sure of profitability of a chosen location. We rent vending machines starting from a three month period. During this time you can estimate your business success, find the product range which works best, or even change a machine if required.
After the trial period expires you decide whether to purchase the machines or to return the equipment. The benefit of vending machines hire is that you are not tied up with a lease contract, bank loans, and you are not afraid to lose a large investment. In case you stay disappointed with vending business, rental payments will be the only money loss.
Phoenix One Vending also rents vending equipment for events on daily, weekly or monthly basis. We provide automated machines for events catering coffee, cold beverages, snacks, water. Check vending solutions for events for more information.
Businessmen who are going to start a vending business or to extend existing vending route have a several options to obtain vending machines: through lease with affordable monthly rates during a specific period of time, or through direct purchase. Nevertheless leasing programs are convenient and affordable for anyone, some businessmen prefer to have vending machines at their possessions and operate independently.
If you are one of such businessmen and: you took to consideration all pros and cons of vending business and you are determent to start or extend your vending route, you want to have reliable equipment at your own and operate it independently, you have chosen high traffic locations and product suppliers for your machines and you are sure that chosen product range will work in your locations, you stay aware of financial risks you may face, you created a detailed business plan, counted expected revenue and the period of time in which your investments in equipment will go back to your pocket. Then, purchasing vending machines upright is a good option for you.
At Phoenix One Vending you can choose from a variety of European brand table-top and free standing vending snack machines, coffee machines, and HORECA machines.
Why is it better to purchase equipment from a recognized brand?
A vending machine is a costly investment. Moreover, to generate a good profit and cover all operating expenses it is better to have a number of machines. So investment in the equipment can turn into a pretty sum. Of course there is a temptation to reduce the equipment cost by purchasing cheap brands. But is it a really good saving?
They say, cheapest is the dearest. A low standard machine may become a source of headache in future. Poor quality of materials used in cheap machines production cause a low protection level; fixing sudden breakages and continues system failures may become your daily routine. And, in the end, you will prefer to get rid of troublesome equipment and either look for a reliable one or even to refuse of vending business at all.
It is wiser to invest in reliable machines to concentrate on a high operation performance instead of continuously fixing troubles with equipment. Phoenix One Vending works with Bianchi vending machines. The quality of this Italian brand is worldly recognized. Operators working with Bianchi Vending machines are ensured to have very safe, environmentally friendly, latest up-to-date equipment with a high level of protection from vandalism and insects’ intrusion. With a proper care Bianchi machines can stay with you for years. And what’s also important, working with a European brand incredibly raises prestige of your business.
Check a range of Bianchi machines in our catalogue. If you face any problem in choosing among models of machines, contact us and we will help you to find the most suitable solution for your business.