Vending Solutions for Airports

In airports people demand highest standard of customer service for twenty-four-hours. Automated shops vending different kinds of refreshments and working round-o-clock are a great addition to facilities which airports provide.

Vending machines are useful everywhere where people need to wait. Travelers spend couple of hours and even more till they finish all necessary procedures and follow on boards.

Vendors require minimum of space and can be installed at places where traditional food services are not allowed.

Travelers waiting for their flights can fill the time with enjoying a cup of excellent natural coffee or a tasty snack.

For people who are in a hurry and do not have time to have a meal from a restaurant or even to buy water from a shop, vendors stay the most convenient choice.

And last but not the least, vending options unlike traditional food retail are affordable for all sections of society.

Phoenix One Vending offers:

>   High technology vending machines from a European manufacturer

>   Phoenix One Vending operators stock and service your machines

>   Membership cards for the staff allowing to buy from vending machines at reduced prices

>   High quality natural ingredients for coffee stations and a wide range of vending products

>   Possibilities to serve airport visitors at places where traditional food service is not allowed

>   Possibility to communicate in different languages (available in some models)